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02 体育锻炼 (第7/9页)
of exercise. exercise can not only make you stay healthy but also let you have a perfect figure. 凯莉:埃尔瓦,你太缺乏运动了。运动不仅可以保持健康,而且能让你拥有完美的身材。 elva: you're right. have you got anything special in mind? 埃尔瓦:你说得对。你有什么好的建议吗? kelly: i suggest using treadmill. 凯莉:我建议你使用跑步机。 elva: oh? does it work well? 埃尔瓦:是吗?效果好吗? kelly: sure. i keep running everyday. 凯莉:当然了。我每天都坚持跑步。 elva: no wonder you look so fit and trim. 埃尔瓦:怪不得你看起来身材这么好呢! kelly: the treadmill is excellent for helping you to build up there are several notices. first of all, you'd better start with a low speed. each time you use it, increase the distance step by step. don't ask for speed at first. you can increase that later. 凯莉:使用跑步机可以让你精力充沛。不过,有几点注意事项。第一次使用跑步机的时候,最好从慢速开始。每次用它,都要慢慢加长距离。起初先不要要求速度,以后慢慢增加。 elva: i really want to get one. could you go to the store with me at the end of the shift? i want to buy one. 埃尔瓦:我真想要一台跑步机。下班后你能陪我去一趟商店吗?我想买一台。 kelly: ok, no problem. 凯莉:好的,没问题。 notes 1. upset [?p?set] v. 打翻,打乱;使苦恼;n. 不安,心烦意乱;adj. 心烦的,不舒服的 2. suggest [s??d?est] v. 推荐,建议,提议;使想起,暗示 3. treadmill [?tred?m:l] n. 跑步机,走步机;枯燥无味的生活方式 4. be lack of 缺乏,缺少 5. no wonder 难怪,怪不得 小贴士 跑步大家都会,可你知道怎样跑步最健康吗?专家指出跑步姿势是非常重要的,否则容易对关节骨骼造成伤害。 step 1: warm-up. at the beginning, you should take a walk then increase your speed to jogging. finally, you can run at appropriate speed. 第一步:热身。最开始先走路热身,然后慢慢增加你的速度,慢慢地变成慢跑。之后,再以适当的速度跑步。 step 2: as far as possible, to choose soft ground. 第二步:尽量选择软质地面。 step 3: to add abundant aqua. 第三步:补充大量水分。 step 4: do not force yourself to run. 第四步:不应勉强自己跑步。 step 5: set an achievable goal for yourself. 第五步:为自己设定一个可完成的目标。 走,打球去 dialogue the weekend is coming. chuck wants to invite blair to play tennis on sunday. 周末到了。查克想邀请布莱尔周日去打网球。 chuck: hey, blair! have you done