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03 艺术欣赏 (第7/7页)
人鱼3d》 2. chromeskull 2: laid to rest 《安息2》 3. dream house 《梦宅》 4. texas killing fields《德州杀场》 5. the thing《怪形前传》 6. the human centipede《人体蜈蚣》 7. 11.11.11《11.11.11》 8. the women《女人》 9. scream 4《惊声尖叫4》 10. paranormal activity 3《鬼影实录3》 马戏表演真滑稽 dialogue della and ada are taking a walk during their rest day. 黛拉和艾达利用难得的休息日出去走走。 della: ada, how about your order? 黛拉:艾达,你的那个单子谈得怎么样了? ada: what a mass! that client is a tough nut. 艾达:没有一点进展。那个客户很难缠。 della: so you have a lot of things to do. 黛拉:那你可要费点功夫了。 ada: yes. how about you? does it go well? 艾达:对啊。你呢?最近工作还顺利吗? della: not very well. i'm in charge of decoration work of the company. it takes me much time. 黛拉:不怎么顺心。我正负责公司的装修工作,很费心神。 ada: forget it. no talking job during rest day. look, there is a circus show over there. let's go there for relaxation. 艾达:算了,难得休息,不谈工作上的事了。你看,那边有马戏团表演,我们去那里放松放松心情吧。 della: you said it. let them go to hell. now what we should do is to buy two tickets. 黛拉:说得对。让工作见鬼去吧。咱们现在就去买两张票! ada: look, the clown is on performance. 艾达:看,刚好赶到小丑表演。 della: haha…he is really funny. even the dog turns its back on him. 黛拉:哈哈,那个小丑真有意思,小狗都懒得理他。 ada: look, look! regardless of the dog, the elephant also gives him a kick. hahaha… 艾达:你看,你看!不光小狗不理他,大象还踹了他一脚。哈哈…… della: wow! the bear is riding a monocycle. 黛拉:哇!小熊在骑独轮车! ada: so funny. i can't help laughing. do you feel better now? 艾达:他们的表演真滑稽,让人捧腹大笑啊。怎么样,现在心情好多了吧? della: yes. their performance made me shake off the worries. 黛拉:是啊。看了他们的表演,所有的烦恼都抛诸脑后了。 notes 1. in charge of 负责 2. go to hell 见鬼去吧 3. can not help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事 小贴士 top three circuses in the world: 世界三大顶级马戏团: 1. cirque du solei 加拿大太阳马戏团 2. big apple circus 纽约大苹果马戏团 3. ringling bros. and barnum bailey 美国玲玲马戏团